SA 가 SP 최초의 키캡 프로필이었군요.

by Tennant posted Apr 20, 2017


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pmk 메뉴 둘러보다가 발견한 글 입니다.


The first keycap family produced by Signature Plastics’ previous company, Comptec Inc., was the SA family. These keys had a Spherical touch area and the same profile for All rows. 

A few years later the company began producing the SS family which also had a Spherical touch area but with a Sculptured profile i.e. each row had a different keycap angle giving the keyboard a curved look. Because of the limited number of shapes that were tooled, this tooling has been retired and is no longer available for production. 

In the mid 80’s an attempt was made to standardize keycaps to a ‘DIN Standard’. DIN stands for “Deutsches Institut für Normung”, meaning "German institute for standardization". This resulted in a new high profile family being produced, the DSS family, which was a DIN standard, Spherical touch, Sculptured key family. This family profile was never very popular and was quickly retired. A short time later the SA family was re-tooled to produce a sculptured look. The keycap family name didn’t change, but it was simply referred to as sculptured SA. 

The fourth family tooled was the low profile DSA family. These keys met the DIN standard, had a Spherical touch area, and the same low profile look for All rows. 

The DCS family followed shortly. These keys conformed to the DIN standard, had a Cylindrical touch surface, and a Sculptured profile. 

The latest keycap family, introduced by Signature Plastics in 2015, is the G20 family. These keys were designed with the gaming community in mind. They have a flat touch area that is wider than standard keycaps, resulting is a smaller gap and easier transition between adjacent keys. These keycaps have the same angle for all rows, similar to the DCS R2 profile.


- 지금의 SP 설립 이전 회사는 Comptec (1973년 설립 ~ 2001년 파산)
1. SA 패밀리가 처음으로 나옴. 다만 당시에는 DSA 패밀리처럼 전체 ROW 동일.
2. 몇년 후 두번째 SS 패밀리 나오면서 스텝 스컬쳐 도입. (단종)
3. 세번째는 80년대 중반에 DIN 표준에 맞춰 DSS 패밀리가 나왔지만 인기가 없어서 빠르게 단종.
80년대 중반에 SA 패밀리 키캡이 새로운 툴로 스텝 스컬처 방식이 도입되며 리뉴얼되지만 네이밍은 예전 그대로 유지.
4. 네번째로 나온게 DSA 패밀리.
5. DSA 직후 나온게 DCS 패밀리.
6. 2015년에 게이밍 커뮤니티 타겟의 G20 패밀리 출시.